Prior to the guest speaker presentation, the Ocean County Mayors’ Association President Bay Head Mayor William Curtis appointed Mayor John A. Peterson, Jr. as the 2nd Vice President. This appointment is to fill the unexpired term of former Brick Township Mayor John Ducey.
President Mayor William Curtis presented two (2) resolutions; 2023 – 03 and 2023 – 04. These resolutions below were approved by the membership.
Resolution 2023-03 Requesting the NJ Board of Public Utilities to Designate a Member as Liaison to Ocean and/or Monmouth County and to appoint an individual from Ocean County to Assure Representation of Residents and Businesses of Ocean County and All Shore Communities: Resolution 03 – 2023
Resolution 2023-04 Encouraging State Legislators to Provide Fair and Equitable Distribution of Discretionary Spending Appropriations in the Annual State Budget for Key Programs that will Assist Ocean County Residents and Visitors. Please click the link to view both resolutions: Resolution 04 – 2023
The full resolutions may be found by clicking the link provided above or on the resolution page.
Vice President Tuckerton Mayor Sue Marshall introduced the guest speaker Kimberly Cenno. The presentation covered “TMDL – Total Maximum Daily Loads”. Specifically, the basics of the science used to derive a target nitrogen criteria and how it will address eutrophication in Barnegat Bay and the role the municipalities would play in the implementation of the nonpoint source loading reductions over time to achieve the target.