New Jerse State League of Municipalities
In his second year as head of the League and on his second briefing for the mayors, Michael brought us up to date on the League’s efforts to modify the new requirement that municipal public defenders be present at Superior Court bail hearings. Those attorneys usually bill municipalities for the travel time to and from the county courthouse – in our case Toms River. Either legislative or judicial action is needed to allow state attorney’s already in the courtrooms to represent offenders in what are normally short, routine hearings.
Michael alerted the mayors of fast-moving legislation to transfer management of the Police and Fire Retirement System from the Division of Pensions and Benefits in the Department of the Treasury to a Board of Trustees comprised of labor and management representatives. He urged the mayors to contact their Senators and Assembly members to discuss the legislation.
According to Michael, some town halls and police stations have been visited by people making cell-phone videos as they walk about. Sometimes those videos are broadcast live on the web. In some instances, Michael said, the videographers can capture sensitive conversations and advised the mayors to consult with the municipal attorney and police chief to establish policies for such clearly provocative instances.
After a lively discussion of the League’s attitude toward “sanctuary cities,” Michael spoke briefly about affordable housing and the growing problem of electronic waste.
Kevin Askew of TechXtend
Kevin outlined digital capability and security needs for government entities. HIs company, TechXtend has a U.S. office in Eatontown where Kevin is vice president and general manager.
The Ocean County Mayors’ Association has been found tax exempt by the IRS. Donations are deductible. Documentation of this determination and related financial disclosure documents are available for public examination. cir