Michael Darcy, Executive Director

Mayor Art Petracco, 1942-2016

New Jersey League of Municipalities

Michael Darcy is the new executive director of the N.J. League of Municipalities. This was his first visit to the OC Mayors. Michael complimented the Association for staying active as an organization. There’s real value in connecting in such forums; other county groups have withered away, he said.

Michael offered an overview of the budget process in Trenton, the League’s primary concern at the moment. He cited a proposal to return energy tax revenue to the municipalities where they belonged before the state diverted the money for other uses. But the League is not happy with some parts of the bill. “It’s the municipalities money. It should be returned without strings attached,” he said.

Other League concerns involve benefits for employees and the Transportation Trust Fund.

Municipalities maintain 86% of the roads in the state yet receive just a small proportion of transportation funds. At least 25% of Trust Fund money should go to local governments. Michael said there is some discussion in Trenton on the subject.

The Ocean County Mayors’ Association has been found tax exempt by the IRS. Donations are deductible. Documentation of this determination and related financial disclosure documents are available for public examination. The Ocean County Mayors’ Association has been found tax exempt by the IRS. Donations are deductible. Documentation of this determination and related financial disclosure documents are available for public examination without notice.0

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